In today's digital age, information security has become a critical concern for organizations of all sizes and industries. The increasing frequency and sophistication of threats necessitate the implementation of robust measures for cyber security monitoring. One...
BPO & IT Managed Services
Digital transformation in the energy sector
The energy industry has changed a lot over the last 20 years. As the world population is growing exponentially year on year, worldwide energy consumption is also growing rapidly. This calls for new, innovative, and smart energy solutions that encourage more efficient...
Why should small businesses focus on IT adoption and digital transformation now more than ever?
Why should small businesses focus on IT adoption and digital transformation now more than ever? Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and their growth directly influences the nation’s growth. Small businesses in the US are estimated to add $1.8 Trillion to...
How to effectively control managed services?
Managed Services can be defined as an extended definition of outsourcing. It includes…
Impact of US Visa ban: Gig Workers and Training STEM Graduates in America
Impact of US Visa Ban : Gig Workers and Training STEM Graduates in America Amid the rising unemployment rate and demand to protect American jobs in the US, President of the United States Donald Trump signed an executive order in June suspending the entry of several...
Impact of Coronavirus on the Gig Economy
As the coronavirus crisis evolves further, businesses are being forced to severely cut down their operations and millions of workers all around the world are losing their jobs. However, for the gig economy, the challenge in the face of the current pandemic is a...
Why do gig workers prefer using temp agencies to find the next gig? Benefits of working with a temp agency in 2020.
Right now, job searching as a gig worker can be rough; Even though the gig economy is booming in the US, the increasing unemployment rate ( and a tough job market have made it extremely difficult for gig workers to get hired...
Gig economy and benefits of hiring Gig workers through temp agencies.
In this ongoing digital disruption, businesses around the world are looking for new ways to ensure business continuity while increasing their profits. As a business owner, staying ahead of the curve requires that you must be able to identify and adopt new practices...
Innovation in web accessibility technology
As Web accessibility continues to gather importance and attention, a greater…
Future of IT Infrastructure: Growing trends in IT infrastructure
As traditional businesses gradually mould themselves according to the realities of the new digital age, the implications of IT are boundless. The primary differentiator for a successful business today is dependent on the readiness of its IT infrastructure. An...