Thanks to the steadily rising cost of healthcare, the health insurance industry has grown dramatically during the past several years. The use of AI in healthcare is expanding, simplifying, and speeding up procedures for patients, hospitals, and the sector as a whole....
IT Innovation and product development
Top 5 trends in IT innovation and product development
IT innovation generally is concerned with the use of technology in several ways to…
Cloud-native application vs cloud-enabled applications
In today’s software-driven market where technology adoption and digital transformation is at its peak, companies are in a need to constantly find innovative solutions to ensure their success. With the explosion of cloud adoption and cloud-based applications in times...
Hits and misses in IT innovation
Every once in a while an individual or a firm comes up with an innovation that captures the attention of the entire world. The very nature of the innovation makes it a sure shot success and before long, that innovative technology is used like staple food by people,...