In the relentless battle against cyber threats, organizations are increasingly turning to advanced strategies to fortify their defenses. Among these, Continuous Security Monitoring (CSM) has emerged as a pivotal component in network defense. By providing real-time...
IT Security/Cyber Security
Top Current Cybersecurity Technology Trends To Watch Out For
Cybersecurity technology trends are constantly evolving to stay one step ahead of the ever-growing and increasingly sophisticated threat landscape. In today's digital age, where sensitive information is stored and transmitted online, organizations and individuals must...
Cybersecurity Operational Technology: Bridging The Gap
In an increasingly digitized world, the convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) is reshaping the way industries operate. While this convergence holds great promise for enhanced efficiency and productivity, it also opens the door to a...
Emerging Cybersecurity Threats In 2023 And How To Defend Against Them
In our increasingly interconnected digital world, cybersecurity threats have grown in scale and sophistication. Cybersecurity has garnered significant attention since the latter part of the 1990s, driven by the rise of the dot-com era, which ushered in widespread...