Impact of enterprise mobility on business
Ever since the dawn of Enterprise Mobility, a continuously increasing number of businesses has adopted the practice in order to boost their productivity. Enterprise Mobility aims at offering solutions to various existing problems of the organization related to developing as well as the delivery of mobile apps and implementing timely responsiveness to users.
Intone’s enterprise mobility solutions have enabled businesses to create new revenue streams to engage customers in new and more agile ways. The focal point is to unlock values at the backend data and deliver content that is user-centric. It lays emphasis on aspects such as structuring and delivering information whenever and wherever required, integrating people, technology and processes for the effective and efficient delivery of the core business functions to the different smaller business units present in the organization.
Here are a few ways in which we can see the impact of enterprise mobility on business.
Enterprise mobility supports digital workplace
The digital workplace is not just a technological evolution of the traditional workplace, it’s a crucial business strategy in the current business environment and enterprise mobility is the key to the digital workplace. It’s true that mobile technologies and digital workplaces are changing the way we approach work and boosting employee productivity, but it comes with its own set of challenges like security and usability. It becomes more complex where employees are using their own devices and applications to access corporate resources in a BYOD (Bring-Your-Own-device) scenario. This brings more difficulties in managing and defining the security policies that ensure the protection of sensitive information. Enterprise mobility management systems such as Mobile device management (MDM) and Mobile application management (MAM) along with mobile threat protection tools tackle this problem by providing the proper tools to secure the digital workplace
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Enterprise mobility increases productivity.
Study by Forbes show that implementing an enterprise mobility strategy in your company can improve employee productivity by 23%. Enterprise mobility does not just enable your employees the facility to work from anywhere at any time, but also paves way for better collaboration and faster reporting. The integration of an enterprise mobile reporting system into your mobility solution enables your employees to see and share project reports and data rapidly. Moreover, enterprise mobility solutions facilitate real-time connections between employers, customers, and suppliers. Thus, with enterprise mobility, employees will be able to address the tasks and queries with real-time data analysis and make business decisions and responses faster. This, in turn, leads to increased productivity and customer satisfaction.
Enterprise mobility allows better resource distribution
Enterprise mobility allows you to allocate resources efficiently in your business. With real-time tracking ability, you can track your shipments and orders more accurately. This event benefits the employees since this can be used to assign the right employees to the right tasks to meet demands. It analyses the effect of mobility on the partners, vendors, and clients of the organization and to what extent will it affect them. This decreases operational costs and enables the management to shift their focus on tasks of higher value such as customer retention and acquisition. It also proves useful in identifying the risks related to the protection of information within the organization as well as by means of corporate devices. This solution ultimately increases profitability.
Enterprise Mobility ensures that the organization’s mobile infrastructure is well maintained and secured as it plays a vital role in any firm’s strategy. The whole idea behind EMS is to put people, processes, and technology, which are, powered by wireless networks and engulfs management of mobile devices and other computing services with respect to the business. Thus, smart solutions like Intone’s enterprise mobility solutions coupled with digital workplace initiative is critical in building long-term success in this evolved business environment.