As Web accessibility continues to gather importance and attention, the focus is now shifting to provide a greater emphasis on being placed on making the system-wide, rather than individual, changes in our efforts to create a more accessible world.
During the early advent of Web accessibility, individual developers were committed to creating accessible Web content. When it became evident that leaving accessibility up to individual developers was not efficient, the entire system began making Web accessibility a priority and a policy.
Just as with the design of any website, users should be kept into consideration. An extraordinarily diverse range of individuals uses the internet with a wide variety of characteristics and contexts. Assumptions that everyone is using a traditional monitor, browser, or keyboard can’t be made. Accessible technology has been designed in a way that can be accessed by all users.
Over time many different variations have been added to enhance the overall impact of web accessibility services. A few of them are screen readers, screen magnification, text readers, speech input software. There are even a few alternate devices for input like head pointers, motion tracking, single switch entry devices.
These changes ensure the fulfillment of the basic guidelines when it comes to web content that it must be perceivable, operable, understandable and robust.
With the growing awareness of the possible benefits of catering to this segment, businesses are now increasing their efforts to make their communication platforms user neutral. With the rise of ML and AI, the scope of inculcating website accessibility features is set to rise in the times ahead.