Continuous Control Monitoring In Manufacturing
Maximize the efficiency of your quality assurance activities and risk management procedures through Intone’s continuous control monitoring in manufacturing industry with instantaneous results.

Are your control testing and monitoring efforts still hampered by:
EagleEye365 continuous control monitoring in manufacuring provides constant, up-to-date protection to ensure secure and accurate product information that reduces risks while granting you peace of mind in manufacturing.
Why EagleEye 365?

EagleEye 365 enhances your existing GRC tools through the real-time connectivity, automation, continuous monitoring, and visualization of key risks & controls.
By connecting all of your applications into a single enterprise platform – along with continuous monitoring of 100% of your transactions in real time – you can substantially reduce risk and achieve your key objectives across all 3 lines of defense.
A Shared Platform for All 3 Lines of Defense